
Leaders of Zhejiang Provincial Association For Medical Equipment Industry visit Jingjia medical

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On the morning of March 5, 2021,leaders of Zhejiang Provincial Association For Medical Equipment Industry visited Jingjia medical.Chairman Xie Guangjiu and General Manager Yan Yunjiang led relevant personnel to receive.

First of all, General Manager Yan Yunjiang introduced the basic context of the company, Chairman Xie guangjiu extend welcome to the leaders of the association, and combined with the company’s  performance in recent years, elaborated in detail the future development plan. After listening to the report, the Leaders of Zhejiang Provincial Association For Medical Equipment Industry visited

the production workshop.

During the meeting, Zhang Hanwen, Secretary General of Zhejiang Provincial Association For Medical Equipment Industrys, put forward suggestions on the medical product planning, R & D registration, and gave a specific introduction to the precise service requirements of the association Hei Zhenhai, President of the association, made a concluding speech and affirmed the development work of Jingjia medical from five aspects: first, the wisdom of leadership, the development direction of the enterprise coincides with the development of the country, and the effect of making twice the result of half the effort. The second is the lofty positioning, all work of the enterprise is full of new ideas and new ideas. The third is to make efforts in both directions, focusing on the development of both domestic and foreign markets, taking into account both internal and external. The fourth is well manage, attach importance to the company’s later development layout, and open up the company’s development channels, which is very correct.Fifth, it is the advantage of latecomer, paying attention to the prospects of research and development, and paying attention to the powerful after product registration. For the later development of Jingjia Medical. For the later development of Jingjia medical, the president of the

association also put forward three suggestions: first, the association is willing to do more work, provide more services and establish a good interactive relationship with enterprises. Second, enterprises pay more attention to business public relations. Third, we should guard against enterprise risks, produce according to law, pay attention to product quality and detail management.

Finally, the chairman of the board of directors expressed his gratitude to the leaders of the provincial medical device Association for their guidance on the work of the company. The suggestions put forward are practical and practical, which have brought inspiration and impetus to the development of the company. In the future, Jingjia Medical Association will strengthen communication with the association, report more and ask for more instructions, so as to help the company achieve its predetermined goals.

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