Product Center

Viscoelastic Solution for Ophthalmic Surgery

Maintain normal anterior chamber, protect tisues in the eye, asist pupl dation, preventvitreous prolapse, help stop bleeding and prevent postoperative adhesions

  • Postoperative lOP recovery speed increased by 86%
  • Reduce protein residue by 98%
  • lmprove viscoelasticity and various indexes by 57.5%

Product Details


【Specifications】0.5ml ~ 2.0ml

【Scope of appication】It can be usd for various cataract operatons, coneal surery, vitreous surgery, retinal surgery, eye trauma surgry, foreign body removal, etc.


Why Choose Us

Low Rate of Allergy

Jingjia Medical has mastered the advanced hyaluronic acid cross-linking technology and purification technology, which greatly ensures that the final product is free from impurities and potential risk of  allergic reactions.


Jingjia Medical has been focusing the research of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers since 1995 and has many years of experience in the production of cross-linked hyaluronic acid injections. Jingjia Medical is a leading company in the research, production and distribution of biological materials. For different cosmetic needs and treatment purposes, Jingjia Medical has specified solutions. Rich experience make the foundation of our high quality hyaluronic acid injections and bring us high customer satisfaction of HAFILLER.

EU CE Certificated

Jingjia Medical has been EU CE certificated since 2008, which means that Jingjia Medical are globally recognized for providing assurance to both patients and practitioners with the high safety, health, and environmental protection products.

High Cost-Effectiveness

Jingjia Medical hyaluronic acid injections are priced competitively, making high-quality cosmetic  treatments accessible to a broader range of patients without compromising on quality. We are the ideal supplier in terms of quality and price for medical beauty industry, independent doctors, clinics.